For the best version of your life.
Values & Priorities
Gain clarity about your values and find out what is really important to you in life.
Purpose & Meaning
Discover the energy that motivates you and gives you the strength to act every day.

Vision & Goals
Develop a powerful vision for your future and use it to set goals for all areas of your life.
Action & Focus
Stay focused so that your decisions always align with your goals.

"Ich treffe seit dem ich das lifepilot-Modell in mein Leben integriert habe Entscheidungen klarer und verbringe mehr Zeit mit den Dingen, die wirklich zählen."

Alex Smith
Client Review
"In nur wenigen Stunden habe ich meine Vision präzisiert und auf die wesentlichen Ziele heruntergebrochen. Endlich komme ich mit voller Klarheit ins Handeln."

Tim Hoffmeister
Business Growth Coach & CFO von Crypto Risk Metrics GmbH
"Mit dem lifepilot-Modell habe ich endlich entdeckt, was ich als Unternehmer bewirken will, was mir wichtig ist, wie ich leben möchte - und vor allem: warum."

Charlie McMann
Client Review
What to expect
The lifepilot online course consists of five modules. Through engaging theory and practice units, as well as matching worksheets, you will achieve a new level of self-management.
With the alignment of your core values, purpose in life and goals, you will design a focused and meaningful life.
The course will not only help you understand what you want to achieve, but also why.

Hi, I'm Frank.
I am very happy that you are interested in the lifepilot. It has been over 12 years since I started working on the lifepilot program, which I have continuously developed based on my experiences as an entrepreneur, husband, and father of three daughters.
Many friends and loved ones are now living happier lives thanks to the lifepilot. With this online course, I want to share this proven method with you.
Find out more about me as a Mentor and Bloom Growth Facilitator.

We believe every client is a valuable long-term partner.